Insurance for animals
How pet insurance benefits you
- If your pet gets sick or suffers an injury, we'll reimburse the cost of treatment up to the sum insured you choose.
- If your pet causes damage to others, we will reimburse up to EUR 3,500.
- If you lose your pet or if your per dies, disappears or is stolen, we will reimburse the full amount of the life insurance.
Forget veterinary costs - we cover the cost of treatment when your dog or cat gets sick or injured.
We cover the cost of veterinary services and medicines up to EUR 1000.
We do not reimburse treatment for major infectious diseases for unvaccinated pets, treatment of chronic diseases and preventive services (e.g. vaccinations, neutering). You will receive compensation for the loss of your pet. We will pay the full amount of your pet's life insurance in the event of its death due to illness or accident. If your pet escapes, disappears or is stolen, we will pay the reasonable and justifiable costs of searching for your pet, and we will pay the full amount of the pet's life insurance in the event it is not found.
Any loss caused by the pet will be covered by the insurance, not by you. We'll pay up to EUR 3,500 for damage caused by your pet to others, so you'll be sure of fair compensation if, for example, your cat damages a guest's shoes, your dog injures a neighbour's dog, or causes a traffic accident.
You'll be compensated if your pet's illness causes you to cancel or interrupt your trip. If your pet becomes dangerously ill or suffers an extremely serious injury before or during your trip abroad, and you have to start treatment immediately, we will cover your losses up to EUR 700 for non-departure or urgent return (ticket changes, paid hotel stays, paid car rental, etc.).
Treat your pet wherever you want. We do not limit the number of veterinary clinics you can use. Take your pet where it feels best.