Calling home
Calling a doctor to your home
Our veterinarians can come to your home and provide medical aid for your pet.
In case of trouble, feel free to call by phone +370 612 88788
Procedures which can be performed by doctor called to your home
- Transportation of your pet to a clinic with or without an owner
- Initial examination
- Re-examination
- Consultation
- Preventive examination
- Resuscitation
- Prescription
- Taking a general blood test (performance in the clinic)
- Taking a biochemistry blood test (performed in a clinic)
- Blood sampling for various tests (performed in a clinic)
- Taking a urine test (performed in a clinic)
- Rapid test for feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- Rapid test for feline pancreatic lipase
- Rapid test for canine pancreatic lipase
- Rapid test for canine rotavirus
- Rapid test for feline immunodeficiency and leukemia
- Rapid test for giardiasis
- Rapid test for canine parvovirus and coronavirus
- Rapid test for c-reactive protein
- Rapid test for feline coronavirus
- Rapid test for chlamydiosis
- Bacteriological sampling
- Microscopic examination (performed in a clinic)
- Collection of a blood smear cytological examination (performed in a clinic)
- Skin scrape sampling (performed in a clinic)
- Fungal examination
- Caprological examination (performed in a clinic)
- Eye surface staining
- Determination of eye dryness
- Ophthalmoscopy
- Otoscopy
- Injection i/m, s/c, i/v
- Giving the tablet
- Introduction of venous catheter
- Intravenous infusion
- Thread removal
- Tick removal
- Wound cleaning and treatment
- Wound dressing
- Ultrasound
- Vaccination
- Nail cutting
- Ears cleaning
- Paranal glands cleaning
- Chip implantation (chipping)
- Registration of chip data in the state database
- Issuance of a European passport
- Preparation of documents before going abroad
- Euthanasia
- Transportation of a pet for disposal
- Transportation of a pet for cremation