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Canine and feline ophthalmology is an area of veterinary medicine dedicated to the care of your pet’s eye health. Veterinary Ophthalmologists specialize in diagnosing, treating, and performing surgical procedures related to eye diseases and vision problems. A proper eye care is vital for a pet to enjoy good vision and avoid complications caused by eye diseases.

What procedures and surgeries are performed in the Ophthalmology Department?

        1.      Eye examination:
        •       General eye examination: assessment of the condition of the eyelids, conjunctiva, cornea, iris, lens, and retina. This test checks intraocular pressure (tonometry), eye reflexes, and tear production (Schirmer test) to determine overall eye health.
        •       Ophthalmoscopy: Fundus examination using an ophthalmoscope allows to assess the condition of the retina, optic nerve, and blood vessels.
        2.      Intraocular pressure measurement (tonometry):
        •       this procedure is used to diagnose and monitor glaucoma, a disease in which increased pressure in the eye can damage the optic nerve. Early detection of glaucoma helps prevent vision loss.
        3.      Fluorescent corneal staining:
        •       a special dye used to identify corneal ulcers, scratches, or other lesions. This test is important when a pet has suffered an eye injury or symptoms of corneal damage are observed.
        4.      Tear production test (Schirmer test):
        •       this test measures the amount of tear production and helps diagnose dry eye syndrome (keratoconjunctivitis sicca) that can cause eye dryness, inflammation, and discomfort.
        5.      Ultrasound examination:
        •       used to evaluate eye structures, especially in cases where the eyes are cloudy or inflamed and the ophthalmoscope cannot be used to examine the fundus. It helps diagnose various eye diseases, for instance, cataract or retinal detachment.
        6.      Eye surgeries:
        •       cataract removal: a surgery, during which the cloudy lens is removed and often an artificial lens is inserted to restore vision.
        •       eyelid correction: surgical eyelid correction is performed in cases of entropion (eyelids turning inward) or ectropion (eyelids turning outward) to prevent eye irritation and related problems.
        •       restoration of lacrimal duct patency: surgical intervention to remove blockages in the lacrimal ducts that can cause constant tearing or eye inflammation.
        •       tumour removal: surgical tumour removal from the eyelids or other eye structures to prevent tumour spread and complications.
        7.      Retinal surgeries:
        •       retinal detachment treatment is a complex procedure that aims to reattach the retina to the wall of the eye and prevent irreversible vision loss.
        8.      Medication treatment:
        •       a pet may be prescribed eye drops, ointments, or other medications to treat infections, reduce inflammation, or keep the eyes moist depending on the nature of the eye condition.

When do you have to apply to Veterinarian Ophthalmologist?

        1.      Eye injury:
        if your pet has suffered an eye injury, such as a scratch, hit, or collision with sharp objects, it is essential to see an Ophthalmologist as soon as possible to prevent serious complications.
        2.      Red or inflamed eyes:
        •       if you notice that your pet’s eyes are red, inflamed, sensitive to light, or constantly tearing, these may be signs of infection, inflammation, or allergies that require professional attention.
        3.      Changes in vision:
        •       if you notice that your pet has become unusually clumsy, bumps into objects, is afraid to move in the dark, or has difficulty finding its way around, it could indicate such vision problems as cataract, retinal detachment, or glaucoma.
        4.      Eye pressure problems (glaucoma):
        •       if your pet has been diagnosed with or suspected of having glaucoma, it is essential to have regular eye pressure checks and monitoring to prevent vision loss.
        5.      Dry eyes or constant tearing:
        •       if your pet constantly rubs its eyes and eyes seem dry or, conversely, constantly watering, these may be signs of dry eye syndrome or blocked tear ducts.
        6.      Eyelid deformations:
        •       if you notice that your pet’s eyelids are unusually turned inward or outward, this may be causing eye irritation that may require surgical correction.
        7.      Eye tumours:
        •       if you notice unusual formations on eyelids or around eyes, they could be tumours that may require surgical removal.

Ophthalmic care is healthy vision and comfort for your pet

Consultation with a Veterinary Ophthalmologist is essential when you notice any changes in your pet’s eye health. Early diagnosis and treatment can prevent serious complications, ensuring your pet can enjoy healthy vision and a quality of life. If your pet has eye problems, consult a Veterinary Ophthalmologist immediately - this can be a vital step in preserving your pet’s vision.

Register for consultation by phone +3701288788 


Head of Department, Veterinarian Irina Geraskina

Doctors of Department:

Veterinarian Paulius Klibavičius
Veterinarian Vytautas Vaičiulis
Veterinarian Urtė Liaudanskaitė


We work 24/7 

Pavilnys +370 612 88788

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We work daily 08:00 – 24:00

Antakalnis +370 612 88788

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We work daily 07:00 – 23:00

Naujamiestis +370 612 88788

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We work daily 8:00 – 21:00

Pilaite +370 612 88788

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1Registration for a visit

Veterinarian specialist consultation, examination, surgical and other procedures performed under anesthesia- registration is done by phone +37061288788

Calling a veterinarian at home - registration is by phone +37061288788

We recommend:

  • Schedule your visit in advance.
  • Try not to be late.
  • Feel free to ask the veterinarian any questions.
  • Remember to constantly encourage and comfort your pet.
  • Please inform our clinic about any changes in your plans. We will be grateful.
2Choose time and date

Choose a clinic and service, and then a calendar in which you mark the time will appear.

We work 24/7

Pavilnys: +370 612 88788

We work daily

Antakalnis: +370 612 88788

We work daily

Naujamiestis: +370 612 88788

We work daily

Pilaite: +370 612 88788

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We work 24/7

Pavilnys: +370 612 88788

We work daily

Antakalnis: +370 612 88788

We work daily

Naujamiestis: +370 612 88788

We work daily

Pilaite: +370 612 88788

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