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Soft tissue surgery

Soft tissue surgery of the dogs and cats is an area of veterinary medicine dedicated to the surgical treatment of various tissues such as skin, muscles, blood vessels, glands, and internal organs. The specialisation of soft tissue surgeons is to diagnose and perform surgeries that may be necessary to resolve various health problems or save a pet’s life.

What surgeries are performed in the soft tissue surgery department?

        1.      Tumour removal:
        •       Removal of skin and subcutaneous formations: removal of benign or malignant tumours from the skin or subcutaneous tissue to prevent their further growth or spread.
        •       Removal of internal organ tumours: surgical interventions to remove tumours from internal organs such as the liver, spleen, kidneys, or intestines are often performed to prolong the pet’s life.
        2.      Abdominal surgeries:
        •       Sterilization and castration: these are the most common planned surgeries designed to prevent unwanted reproduction and reduce the risk of diseases related to the reproductive system.
        •       Caesarean section: performed in cases where natural birth is complicated or impossible to save the mother and her young.
        •       Removal of intestinal obstruction: removal of intestinal obstruction caused by foreign bodies or tumours to restore normal functioning of the digestive tract.
        •       Internal organ surgeries: related to surgeries to remove the spleen, liver resection, remove the kidney or bladder stones, and other life-threatening procedures.
        3.      Chest surgeries:
        •       Diaphragmatic hernia correction: the surgery is performed in cases where internal organs protrude into the chest cavity through the diaphragm causing respiratory and other system disorders.
        •       Resection of part of the lungs: surgical removal of damaged parts of the lung, for example due to tumours or infections.
        4.      Urinary system surgeries:
        •       Bladder stone removal: surgical removal of urinary stones that can cause pain and urinary tract blockage.
        •       Urethrostomy: a surgical procedure performed to create a new urinary opening in cases where there is a persistent blockage in the urinary tract.
        5.      Surgical treatment of soft tissue wounds:
        •       Wound suture: traumatic wounds, such as bites or cuts, may be surgically sutured to prevent infections and ensure faster healing.
        •       Skin reconstruction surgeries: severe or extensive wounds may require skin grafts or other tissue repair procedures.
        6.      Plastic and reconstructive surgeries:
        •       Eyelid correction: correction of entropion (eyelids turning inward) or ectropion (eyelids turning outward) to prevent eye irritation and related problems.
        •       Skin regeneration after tumour removal: in case of removal of large tumours, skin grafts or other reconstructive procedures may be necessary.

When do you have to apply to veterinary soft tissue surgeon?

        1.      Tumours or other formations:
        •       if you notice lumps, tumours, or other unusual formations on your pet’s body, it is necessary to consult a specialist to assess their nature and determine the necessity of surgical intervention.
        2.      Abdominal pain, vomiting, loss of appetite:
        •       these symptoms may indicate problems with the abdominal organs, such as foreign body ingestion, obstruction, or internal tumours. In such cases, emergency surgical intervention may be necessary.
        3.      Injuries:
        •       If your pet has suffered an injury, for instance, bite, fall, or car accident, and has open wounds, fractures, or other injuries, it is necessary to consult a Surgeon to assess the situation and perform surgery if necessary.
        4.      Breathing disorders:
        •       sudden breathing disorders may be related to chest or lung problems, such as a diaphragmatic hernia or lung injury, that may require surgical treatment.
        5.      Urination problems:
        •       if you notice your pet having difficulty urinating or unable to urinate, this may be a sign of a urinary tract obstruction, that requires urgent surgical intervention.
        6.      Skin and soft tissue infections:
        •       Severe skin infections or abscesses that do not respond to medication may require surgical drainage or other procedures.

Soft tissue surgery is an improvement of pet health and quality of life.

Timely soft tissue surgery can help resolve many serious health problems and ensure a health and quality of life of your pet. 

Register for consultation by phone +3701288788 


Head of Department, Veterinarian Vytautas Vaičiulis

Doctors of Department

Veterinarian Irina Geraskina
Veterinarian Lukas Grėbliauskas
Veterinarian Tadas Juozelėnas
Veterinarian Deimantė Anankaitė
Veterinarian Urtė Liaudanskaitė
Veterinarian Jovydas Bajorinas
Veterinarian Paulius Klibavičius
Veterinarian Gabrielė Basytė


We work 24/7 

Pavilnys +370 612 88788

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We work daily 08:00 – 24:00

Antakalnis +370 612 88788

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We work daily 07:00 – 23:00

Naujamiestis +370 612 88788

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We work daily 8:00 – 21:00

Pilaite +370 612 88788

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1Registration for a visit

Veterinarian specialist consultation, examination, surgical and other procedures performed under anesthesia- registration is done by phone +37061288788

Calling a veterinarian at home - registration is by phone +37061288788

We recommend:

  • Schedule your visit in advance.
  • Try not to be late.
  • Feel free to ask the veterinarian any questions.
  • Remember to constantly encourage and comfort your pet.
  • Please inform our clinic about any changes in your plans. We will be grateful.
2Choose time and date

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We work 24/7

Pavilnys: +370 612 88788

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Antakalnis: +370 612 88788

We work daily

Naujamiestis: +370 612 88788

We work daily

Pilaite: +370 612 88788

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We work 24/7

Pavilnys: +370 612 88788

We work daily

Antakalnis: +370 612 88788

We work daily

Naujamiestis: +370 612 88788

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Pilaite: +370 612 88788

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