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Otoscopy is a diagnostic procedure using an otoscope, a special device with a light and camera allowing a veterinarian to examine your pet's ear canal and eardrum in detail. This procedure is very important in identifying various ear diseases for dogs and cats.

When is otoscopy required?

Otoscopy can be performed as a preventive examination or in case of suspected ear disorders, such as:

        •       Ear infections (otitis): it is one of the most common reasons why a pet undergoes an otoscopy. Infections can be bacterial, fungal, or parasitic in origin.
        •       Congestions: foreign objects (for instance, grass, mites) can enter the ear canal and cause discomfort and infections.
        •       Polyps or tumours: can be diagnosed during otoscopy.
        •       Hearing loss: otoscopy helps to identify possible causes.
        •       Itching, redness, or unpleasant odour from the ears: these symptoms may indicate inflammation or other disorders.

How is otoscopy performed?

During the procedure, the pet is given general anaesthesia so that the specialist can perform a thorough examination safely and effectively. Using an otoscope, the Veterinarian examines the ear canal, determines the condition of the eardrum and looks for possible abnormalities, as well as takes samples if indicated.

Why is otoscopy important?

        •       Early diagnosis: otoscopy allows to notice problems in time and prevent more serious diseases.
        •       Accurate therapy: having determined the condition of ears, the treatment, such as topical or systemic medications, can be prescribed more accurately.
        •       Prevention: regular otoscopy helps prevent chronic ear problems that cannot only reduce your pet’s quality of life but also lead to serious health complications.

How to prepare for otoscopy?

It is important do not clean or treat ears before otoscopy without further instruction from the Veterinarian, as this may alter the clinical picture and complicate the diagnosis. If your pet experiences ear discomfort, consult a Veterinarian immediately.

Our veterinary clinic uses the most advanced diagnostic equipment and has experienced specialists to ensure the health of your pet's ears. Contact us to find out more or to register for a consultation.

Register for consultation by phone +3701288788 


Head of Department, Veterinarian Jovydas Bajorinas

Doctors of Department:

Veterinarian Gabrielė Puluikytė 


We work 24/7 

Pavilnys +370 612 88788

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We work daily 08:00 – 24:00

Antakalnis +370 612 88788

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We work daily 07:00 – 23:00

Naujamiestis +370 612 88788

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We work daily 8:00 – 21:00

Pilaite +370 612 88788

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1Registration for a visit

Veterinarian specialist consultation, examination, surgical and other procedures performed under anesthesia- registration is done by phone +37061288788

Calling a veterinarian at home - registration is by phone +37061288788

We recommend:

  • Schedule your visit in advance.
  • Try not to be late.
  • Feel free to ask the veterinarian any questions.
  • Remember to constantly encourage and comfort your pet.
  • Please inform our clinic about any changes in your plans. We will be grateful.
2Choose time and date

Choose a clinic and service, and then a calendar in which you mark the time will appear.

We work 24/7

Pavilnys: +370 612 88788

We work daily

Antakalnis: +370 612 88788

We work daily

Naujamiestis: +370 612 88788

We work daily

Pilaite: +370 612 88788

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We work 24/7

Pavilnys: +370 612 88788

We work daily

Antakalnis: +370 612 88788

We work daily

Naujamiestis: +370 612 88788

We work daily

Pilaite: +370 612 88788

Online registration

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